Butchers slaughtering and preparing a cow to
provide meat for pilgrims and visitors at the mawlid of
as-Sayyida Nafisa in Cairo
Many Sufi brotherhoods build large tents at mawlids
and offer large amounts of food to the needy as a
service for God. The biggest services can offer
several thousands of meals daily. For many poor
Egyptians who otherwise eat mainly vegetarian food, the
mawlid is a rare occasion to eat plenty of meat. But
eating at the mawlid is more than just filling the
stomach: Slaughtering is a religious ritual in Islam
and distributing the meat to the poor is an act of
piety. And in Egyptian culture, hospitality is a major
virtue and sharing food is a strong symbol of trust
and friendship. For this reason guests at a Sufi tent
are asked to eat "luqma", a small symbolic
meal, even if they are not hungry.
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Cairo, August MMII, small frame colour negative, scan from c-print
(c) Samuli Schielke