Youths in a swing at the mawlid of Sidi Abd
al-Rahim al-Qinawi in Qena
Mawlids are not only religious festivities: they are
also popular street festivals that offer a wide range
of attractions: inexpensive amusements, food, sweers,
toys, souvenirs, and many others. For many people this
is the most interesting thing about a mawlid. Many
Sufis who come to the mawlid primarily for spiritual
reasons find the profane festivities superfluous and
marginal, but most of them accept their presence as
long as they don't break against the moral and
the law. Some of them also see them as a way to
recruit people. The profane festivities, they argue,
attract a lot of people who would not come to a purely
religious event. Once at the mawlid, some of them may
come to share a glas of tea and a talk in one of the
Sufi tents and be drawn towards the mystic path.
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Qina, October MMII, small frame colour negative, scan from c-print
(c) Samuli Schielke